Champions always work for the social cause…
Bankatwa Gandhi Ambedkar Gram is a village in the Mangalpur Gudariya Gram Panchayat of the Nautan block, located south of the district headquarters of Bettiah, Bihar, India. The village has 133 families from the Musahar caste, who are landless and have no regular source of income. Most of them are illiterate and are often exploited by others. Four years ago, a farmer group was formed in Bankatwa Gandhi Ambedkar Gram. Mrs. Baby Devi, a 42-year-old woman from the village, is a member of the group. She is a matriculated and has a strong social conscience.
Mrs. Baby Devi noticed that some people in the village were making and selling alcohol due to a lack of employment opportunities. She realized that this was a harmful practice that was destroying the lives of many people. Mrs. Baby Devi and other women from the village contacted the Jeevika project, a government initiative that provides livelihood support to poor households. They organized awareness meetings and morning processions to highlight the negative effects of alcohol consumption.
As a result of the intervention, 127 people from the village received a loan of Rs. 38,10,000 (Rs. 30,000 each) from Jeevika to start their own businesses. They also received a monthly stipend of Rs. 1,000 for six months to cover their living expenses.
In addition, 121 people from the village were able to get employment under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). As a result of these efforts, alcohol consumption has been banned in the village. People are now gainfully employed and are able to support their families. The case of Bankatwa Gandhi Ambedkar Gram shows how a community can come together to address a social problem. By providing people with livelihood opportunities and raising awareness about the negative effects of alcohol consumption, it was possible to bring about a positive change in the village