core value

Team work

We all believe in team work to be efficient and effective in the execution of programs, bring about the desired impacts among the beneficiaries. To keep the zeal of the team at zenith to let them give their optimum results. To give the message of social cohesiveness, brotherhood, unity, helping attitude, mutual cooperation.

Accounting with transparency


SSEVS pursues the highest standards of accountability towards the community as well as to the various funding agencies for which we are working in partnership. We are also accountable to the management for the financial and non-financial resources, programs and the people. Our work and functions have been visible for the partners and the community as a whole.

Democratic approach


SSEVS respects the democratic values and these are engrained at work place in a deep-rooted manner from the top to bottom. It is evidently reflected in the decision-making processes and framing of policies at the organizational level where every individual’s view is taken into reflection.

Inclusive and equitable development


SSEVS strongly believes that in the developmental process many people have been still left behind. The development process is incomplete until and unless benefits of growth and expansion reach to the last person within the community. We have always been sensitive and committed to reduce all forms of discrimination with a special focus on the deprived and marginalized sections of the society.



SSEVS has always shown willingness to collaborate with like-minded agencies at the regional, national or international level who are working for the common cause of development of the society or community as a whole.



SSEVS has shown readiness and alertness and also has always responded in a positive manner to serve the community during the times of crisis. It has at all times stood by the side of the community during its hard times irrespective of sex, race, caste, creed, class or religion.



SSEVS believes in honesty and has been implementing this value into practice. SSEVS has been honest with all its development partners i.e. donors, stakeholders, staff and the beneficiaries it has worked with and still working

Beneficiaries accountability

SSEVS believes in the beneficiaries’ accountability and has been applying this value/principle in all its projects and beneficiaries. Beneficiaries have their stake in the projects the SSEVS run. Organization has given the space to the beneficiaries to plan, implement & monitor the project so that accountability & ownership can be created.


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