Our Services

General body that takes all policy decisions for the organization. It comprises male and female members that have a strong will of social work. This body is empowered & guided by the bye-laws of the organization for undertaking important decisions like selection of executive body members, appointments of legal bodies and auditors etc. Any alteration and amendment in the bye-laws and acts of the organization will be matter of the jurisdiction of this body. Every budget and details expenses are authorized to be passed in the meetings of general body and is executed after adaptation in general body
SSEVS’ executive body comprises of 07 members (01 female & 06 males). Out of all members, 01 of them belong to the minority, 01 member belongs to scheduled caste (SC), 02 member belong to general caste and 02 members belong to the other backward caste (OBC) while 01 member belongs to scheduled tribe (ST). The executive body functions for the advancement of the organization between the two annual general body meetings. Roles and responsibilities of this body are very crucial for the planning, executions of programs & administrative decision making for the progress of the organization. As per the mandate, the executive body meets every three months. The present members of the executive body are as follows: