Core Expertise

…………………………….. Abstract: In the past 30 years, SSEVS worked and gained expertise in ………………………………………… Being Amended. Bear with us

Child Protection


Work: No Child’s Business (WNCB)

 SSEVS implemented the project “Work: No Child’s Business (WNCB)” during 1st Nov 2019-December 2020 in East Champaran & Sitamarhi district with Save The Children. The prime objective of this project was to stop the child labour through education, livelihood, promoting the rights and entitlements. Some of the achievements are given below:

  •       47 ward child protection committees (WCPCs) formed & strengthened
  •       01 block child protection committee (BCPC) formed & strengthened
  •       06 panchayat child protection committees (PCPCs) formed & strengthened


First project on children’s education

  •   SSEVS’s first project titled “To connect children to regular schools especially dalit and dropped out through innovative non-formal centers”, supported by Bihar Education Project, Govt of Bihar was implemented during 1st April 1991 to 31st March 1994 in 04 panchayats of Chanpatia block of West Champaran, Bihar.
  •       Achievements of this project were: 
  •   40 non-formal centers established, run and managed satisfactorily. 1093 children admitted in various regular schools of the block. 13 village committees formed. 76 members were trained to their roles and responsibilities.


Second project on children’s education

  •   During 1992-97, 40 non-formal centers had been established in Chanpatia block with the support of Bihar Education Project (BEP).
  •   Achievement: 1200 dropout children were provided primary education in the centers.
  •       52% children were admitted to local primary schools.



Work on child labourers

  •   During 1995-2000, a survey of child labourers engaged in the brick making has been done in 22 brick kilns in Sikta and Chanpatia blocks of West Champaran of Bihar.
  •   Achievements: 157 child labourer had been identified. 06 child learning centers had been established for the rescued child labourers which lasted for 03 seasons and 108 children had been admitted to the local govt primary schools. 49 children admitted to schools dropped out. Parents & PRI members were sensitized on the child rights and their issues.
  •   Impact: The brick kiln owners were scared to employ the children in their brick kilns during that period. 



Apna Vidyalay (Our School) fo the children

  •       Apna Vidyalay (our school) for scheduled caste and Muslims have been successful model and tested model in “Adolescent Education Project (ADP) supported by Sir Dorabji Tata Trust in which we have been providing the education to the young girls and mainstreaming them to the formal schools. After a year, it was found that Out of 180 young girls completed their studies in apna vidyalay and are sustaining their education in formal schools.  



Skill training in various trades to the young girls  

  •       For skill training, organization have been linking the young girls to Ashadeep, Muzaffarpur and after their training they have successfully been placed and earning their livelihoods. Secondly, organization has provided the skill training to the young girls in agriculture under its “India Grain Legume Cluster Development: Policy, Production & Nutrition” project.



Collective Coalition against Human Trafficking (CCHT)  

  •       CCHT is a state level network to combat the human trafficking which covers 38 districts of Bihar.  Around 200 NGOs are the members of this coalition in Bihar. 
  •       Samagra Shikshan Evam Vikas Sansthan (SSEVS) has been elected as the District Convenor for the district of West Champaran. The coalition has been assigned to capacitate the NGOs who are working in and around West Champaran on trafficking issue. The coalition works with the local administration, PRI members & other departt to combat human trafficking in  district.


Agriculture and Livelihood

SSEVS experience on sustainable agricultural livelihood & nutrition  

  •   2303 farmers have been streamlined into 143 farmers interest groups (FIGs)
  •   2303 farmers are growing pulses through adopting package of practice, technical inputs and market linkages & getting fair prices
  •   212 dalit families have almost doubled their income through vegetable cultivation and consuming which has enhanced their level of nutritional intake.
  •   02 farmers producers’ companies have been registered under Companies Act
  •   200 families/farmers are practicing the kitchen gardens whereby they consume the vegetable which has enhanced their nutritional level
  •   Organization has also been working on small agricultural tools to reduce the access labour burden of women farmers. Around 500 women have been using small agricultural tools
  •   Conservation of agriculture – farmers are now using zero tillage technique to reduce their input cost, enhance their output cost, reduce the water and fertilizers consumption to save the climate.
  •   River basins – SSEVS is promoting the specific farming alongside of the river basin to maintain the ecosystem and to save the farmers who are affected by the flood, drought etc.
  •   37 landless farmers have established the vermi compost pits and producing organic vermi compost which they are using in their fields and selling outside.


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