Elected ward member work for the village people
Suryapur Bakiya village falls under the geography of Kulhua Chatarba of Bagaha-I block of West Champaran district of Bihar. There are 132 households and 98% of them 0belon to scheduled caste. Since earlier times, people of this village have been engaged in labour work because they don’t possess the land for agriculture
PEARL project’s operation was started since July 2020. That time, there was mis mash in the village as there was nobody to organize and unite them. After a great effort, Chandni self-help group was formed. Women members of this group were exclusively made aware on entitlements, livelihood
and other issues of development. Mrs. Asha Devi is also one of the members of this group who is very active and inclined towards the development of the village people. It was unanimously decided by the village people to let Mr. Pappu Majhi contest the election of a ward member. During the election campaign, everyone in the village including the women members of Chandni self-help group also supported. As a result of the coordinated
efforts, Mr. Pappu Majhi won and elected as the ward member in the village.
Mr. Pappu Majhi was called in the Chandni self-help group meeting and told that village people are suffering from poor housing facility and group members requested to him to work for the housing facility. In that meeting, Mr. Pappu Majhi promised to the women members of the group to work for the housing facility. Truly, Mr. Pappu Majhi (ward member & son of group member) fulfilled his promises. Mr. Pappu Majhi as the ward member has worked and mobilized the monetary benefits for the housing facility of 08 poorest households of the village. Mr. Pappu Majhi said, “guidance of
PEARL project staff has enabled me to win as the ward member. I will benefit the poorest village people with many govt development and social protection schemes”. Mrs. Asha Devi (group member & mother of ward member Mr. Pappu Majhi) said, “making the village people aware on govt schemes by PEARL project, winning my son as the ward member and mobilizing the monetary benefits under housing scheme have brought a silver line in the grey sky. I am thankful to PEARL project”.